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Qudamah is a character featured in Dying Light: The Following.


Qudamah: "D-d-don't dih, dih, disturb me. I'm pr-praying. Been tr-trying all d-d-day to get it r-right... SHIT!"
Crane: "Hey, it's okay, I didn't mean to bother you."
Qudamah: "It's nuh, NOT okay! My br-brother... that idiot. He d-d-didn't go to the c-c-ceremony... Overslept in the h-hay... I didn't kn-kn-know! Woke up... all al-al-alone... and they g-got him. Fuh-fucking infected. He n-never took tr-tr-tradition seriously enough... All righ... Nuh, nuh, no one did... Old f-f-folk tales... But the M-M-Mother showed us... that tradition's to be r-respected... And now my br-brother is g-gone... Now I have to... take c-care of his s-soul... Make sure it leaves with... with the w-wind... and the Sun..."
Crane: "I'm sorry about your brother."
Qudamah: "Yes, well, I'm s-s-sorrier! And I... have another brother... who's st-st-still al-alive..."