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Jamal is a character featured in Dying Light: The Following. He used to be a government official who defended the Children of the Sun when they became outlawed.


Jamal: "Ah – Mr. Crane, isn't it? You're really something, you know that? Never seen a man earn the trust of the Children as fast as you did. They've kept an understandably low profile ever since the government banned all "illegal" religious sects in our country."
Crane: "Banned? Why?"
Jamal: "There was a massacre fifty years ago... It was chaos after that. We had to act fast and we had no idea what should be done. I was in politics back then. But not corrupt. Not corrupt. I voted against the madness. But nobody listened. They laughed at me. Blamed the Children... But I knew they were wrong! My mother gew up here and never had a bad word to say about the Children. After I lost everything, I came to this place and helped them start a "preservation society" of sorts. They kept their rituals a secret. Didn't accept anyone from the outside... And for a long time, I felt betrayed, Mr. Crane. I helped them survive and they shut their doors to me? How could they?"
Crane: "They didn't accept you into the, uh... the group?"
Jamal: "No. I'm sure you can imagine how betrayed I felt. But now, now that the government has failed to protect the people, the Children have reappeared, stronger than ever before. And after all those years they didn't forget about me, Mr. Crane. I'm well fed, clothed, and safe. They provide me with everything I might need. I wish I could say all's well that ends well... I just hope we all live long enough to see the end of this madness."